Никола Крстович поставил «Милан» на грань крайне сложного момента в субботнем матче, и руководители, похоже, приняли к сведению его подвиги.

Черногорский нападающий продолжает демонстрировать тенденцию быть практически единственным игроком, способным забивать за «Лечче», забив свой восьмой и девятый голы в Серии А в сезоне: один потрясающим ударом из-за пределов штрафной, а второй — прекрасным ударом в касание, завершившим контратаку.

С двумя голами против «Милана» Крстович достиг двузначного числа забитых голов в Италии (у него также один гол в Кубке Италии) после девяти голов в прошлом сезоне. Кажется, что 24-летний футболист только при


Nikola Krstovic had AC Milan on the precipice of a very dark moment during Saturday evening’s game, and the directors seemed to take note of his exploits.

The Montenegrin striker continues his trend of being pretty much the only player capable of scoring for Lecce as he netted his eighth and ninth Serie A goals of the season, via a rocket of a shot from outside the box and a lovely side-footed finish to cap off a counter-attack.

With his two goals against Milan, Krstovic has reached double figures for goals scored in Italy (he also has one in the Coppa Italia) after bagging nine times last season. The 24-year-old only seems to be getting strong and looks like another Corvino masterpiece.

TMW write that, with the summer approaching, Krstovic already seems highly sought after. Milan were left impressed by what they saw and they are ready to move to secure him, while the same can be said for Roma.

How much he could cost will all depend on Lecce’s final position in the table and whether they achieve survival. Corvino’s idea is to start with a request of around €30m, which however must be subordinated to the club obtaining safety.

Lecce have a three-point gap over the final relegation place with 10 games to go in the league. In the event that they did go down, the amount that the Giallorossi can collect would risk being at least halved.